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Nasopharyngeal Cancer (Nose Cancer)

Nasopharyngeal Cancer (Nose Cancer) - Diagnosis

Tests and procedures used to diagnose NPC include: 

  • Nasoendoscopy

    A thin, flexible camera tube called a nasoscope, is inserted through the nostril to check for any abnormalities such as bleeding or growths within the nasopharynx and the rest of the head and neck structures. 
  • Biopsy

    If any abnormalities are seen during nasoendoscopy, a tissue sample may be collected (under local anaesthesia) for further examination in the lab. 
  • Imaging tests

    Imaging tests (e.g. Computer Tomography (CT) scan or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans) may be ordered by the doctor to examine the head and neck region, nearby organs and lymph nodes for signs of cancer. 

If NPC is diagnosed, further tests may be required to determine if the cancer has spread and to determine the stage of the cancer. Tests may include: 

  • Blood tests

    Blood tests to check for general health and infection, including how well the liver, kidney and other organs are functioning. 
  • Staging scans

    Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan may be ordered. In this scan, a low-level radioactive substance is injected to determine if there is spread of cancer to the rest of the body. A CT scan of the chest and abdomen, and bone scan may also be used.

Nasopharyngeal Cancer (Nose Cancer) - Preparing for surgery

Nasopharyngeal Cancer (Nose Cancer) - Post-surgery care